Also called MLM (multi-level marketing), network marketing is a brilliant model for distributing products. It’s often used by high quality wellness companies, because it allows the people who use and love the products to promote them, and by doing so, to earn commissions. There is usually a nominal fee to get started (the cost of setting up an account), which is a huge advantage over other types of businesses, including franchises, which require a much greater financial input.
With a network marketing model, you are gifted with abundance for doing what you’d do anyway – which is to tell people you love about products that you believe in!
The steps are so simple:
1. Explore the products yourself – you will fall in love with so many of them!
2. Do what you’d do anyway – ie. tell people what you love about the products.
3. If they are interested, offer them additional information and invite them to an online or in-person class.
When you are part of The Infinity Team, we help you with that!
4. Explain the ordering options (we also help you with that!)
The beauty of network marketing is that you not only earn commissions on the people you have connected with…you also have the potential to earn commissions on your entire “family tree” (subject to Young Living’s compensation plan). This means that as those people fall in love with the products and begin to share with others, and your family tree forms longer and longer branches, you are able to earn commissions on most or all of this volume!
This is where network marketing outstrips any other type of marketing for its income potential. Whilst there is never a guarantee of income, it’s like any good business. You put in the work to build a strong business, and you have the best chance of reaping a substantial reward.
When built within a stable and thriving company, it allows you to develop a “legacy” income that is residual, and which can be sold down the track, or transferred to your loved ones as part of your Will.
Click here to read Young Living’s income disclosure statement