What every Essential Oil user must know!
I’m sure you will love the 14 essential tips and hints in this bulletin! It is a compilation of many different questions I’ve been asked over the years.
1. Important Safety Points
There are two absolutely essential safety points to know about when you are using pure essential oils, and I teach them in all of my classes.
Safety Point # 1
If you get essential oil in your eyes, or on sensitive skin, and it starts to burn, use vegetable oil (eg. olive, coconut or Young Living’s V6 oil) and NOT water to wash it.
Essential oils don’t mix with water, so washing with water only drives them in deeper, and makes them burn more. There have even been times I’ve accidentally had essential oil run into my eyes, and I’ve just put a couple of drops of vegetable oil like olive oil into my eyes to stop the burning.
Safety Point # 2
This safety point is to do with Citrus oils, like Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Tangerine and Bergamot, and to blends containing citrus oils. It also applies to a couple of additional oils, like Angelica and Ginger. These essential oils are “photosensitive” – meaning they make your skin more sensitive to UV light.
This means you need to apply these oils including Citrus oils and Blends under clothing, on skin that won’t be exposed to direct sunlight or UV light for 24 hours, otherwise you can end up with a dark mark on your skin that looks like a birthmark….and it has to grow out (which can take months)!!!
It can even damage your skin permanently…..so be careful! The Young Living catalogue will show you which oils are photosensitive, as these are marked with a sun symbol.
Now, you are ready to use your essential oils….so let’s cover some common questions that may arise for you:
2. How should I get the essential oil onto my body?
I often watch as people touch the essential oil bottle to their skin in order to take some essential oil onto their wrist….yet by doing so, skin particles and dirt are transferred to the top of the bottle.
The advantage is that you receive a full drop, not just a “smear” of essential oil. I personally don’t shake the bottle to get the oil out (unless I’m in a hurry) – this whole process of allowing the drop to fall onto my skin is like a mini meditation in its own right.
And by holding the bottle at a height and allowing the drop to fall, it also means the oil gets a chance to interact with your aura (your energy field) before it even reaches your physical body!
An Extra Special Twist: Use your fingers to rotate the oil 3 times clockwise on the skin. The clock direction is as if you are outside looking in, so ask a friend to confirm that you are doing clockwise and not anticlockwise circles! Three is a sacred number in many traditions, and clockwise is the direction that DNA spins in a healthy human body…so the clockwise motion affirms health in the entire body, and the three times movement affirms our connection with something greater than ourselves (God, Universal Spirit, Love, Nature).
3. The drop won’t come out!
If it’s not coming out, remove the dripolator and very carefully pour some onto your finger.
4. Special facts about Rose Oil
But that’s not all. Young Living’s Rose oil goes one huge step further, because no chemicals or sprays are used in the production of any of the Young Living oils, including in the soil. They are truly “beyond organic” in quality, which is why I have such confidence using them.
Fascinating Fact: If you live in a cooler climate, you will have seen how coconut oil goes solid at cooler temperatures? Rose oil does the same thing!
When you are using Rose oil in cooler weather, pop it against your skin or in a pocket for 5 minutes to warm it to room temperature before you use it. That will change it from a solid to a liquid state.
5. The lid is difficult to get off!
I often hear this comment in relation to Myrrh oil, although it can apply to other resinous oils as well….so let’s put the spotlight on Myrrh oil for a moment.
This amazing oil was one of the gifts given to baby Jesus by the 3 Wise Men. Amidst many other benefits, Myrrh oil is highly prized for its use in skincare. It helps the skin retain its youthful elasticity, and that’s why it’s often used on the face as part of a beauty regime.
Myrrh oil is also used by women prior to childbirth to help improve the elasticity of the perineum.
For 8 weeks before baby is due, mix 1 drop of Myrrh oil with 4 drops of carrier oil (such as coconut, olive or V6 oil) and massage this into the perineum once a day.
Rub some vegetable oil like coconut oil, olive oil or V6 oil around the inside of the lid whenever you notice your Myrrh lid starting to stick, and it will enable you to open and close it with ease. The effect will last for quite a few weeks or months before it needs to be reapplied.
6. How should I store my oils?
I recommend keeping your oil below 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). This applies to both single oils and to blends, regardless of their method of extraction.
This is also why we don’t recommend the old fashioned candle or electric oil burners, as the heat in these destroy the goodness of your oils. Instead, invest in a cold air diffuser. Young Living
Ultrasonic diffusers are virtually silent, come in all shapes and sizes, and make a great centerpiece for the home….plus they ensure your whole family (including your feathered and furry family) are benefiting from the aroma of essential oils.
7. Oh No!!! I’ve knocked over my bottle of oil!
- Quickly set the bottle upright
- Put some of the spilt oil onto your body, to reduce your stress levels in that moment!
- If the oil has fallen onto a relatively clean surface, use an absorbent agent like Epsom salts, Bicarb of Soda (Baking Soda) or Sea Salt to soak up the remaining oil.
- Put this mix into a jar, and use in the bathtub. It can alternatively be sprinkled sparingly onto animal bedding and into litter trays.
8. Can I travel with my oils?
I love the comments I get as it emerges at the other end….people often comment on the beautiful smell.
9. Does the x-ray at airports affect the oil quality?
He discovered that the frequency went down for a couple of hours after the essential oils went through the x-ray, but then it came right back up again, so there were no long-term effects on the frequency of the oils.
10. Can I leave my essential oils in the car?
I ensure that my oils stay below 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) at all times, so I would never leave them sitting in the car on a hot day.
11. Do essential oils go off?
Providing it doesn’t have any carrier oil in it, and providing you’ve kept the oil away from heat and light, your Young Living essential oil should last you about 5,000 years!
I can’t say that this is true about other brands – because when synthetics are present, I’ve had brands that have smelt like chemicals after a year!
Carrier oils don’t have the life expectancy of essential oils, so over time the carrier oil can go rancid. In my experience this can take 5 to 10 years to happen.
Your nose will know….and if it’s gone rancid, there’s nothing to do but buy a fresh bottle.
Young Living is moving over to coconut oil as a carrier oil, as this is a very stable carrier oil, and it’s one that is tolerated on the skin by most people (given that we are now in a world where so many people have nut oil allergies).
12. Can I safely use essential oils in my bathtub?
The short answer is “Yes, of course!” But essential oil and water don’t mix. Most essential oils are lighter than water, so they float on top. Then you sit down in the hot bath, and end up with concentrated essential oil on your tender body parts! That’s why essential oils that are not normally considered warming can still create some irritation on the skin during or after a bath.
Instead, use some of Young Living’s Bath Gel Base in the bath – it will help disperse your essential oils. Alternatively, you can mix your oils into some milk, vegetable oil or even a teaspoon of Witch Hazel to disperse them before adding them to the bath.
The only time I’ve ever had an issue using essential oils in my bathtub was with Canadian Red Cedar oil, which is no longer sold by Young Living. To my surprise, it is one of the few oils that is heavier than water, and it has a deep red colouring. So it sank to the bottom of my acrylic bathtub and caused some permanent staining.
13. Can I use essential oils in my washing machine?
Yes, absolutely – but don’t get it onto clothes that are synthetic, eg. stretchy T-shirts, or it will digest some of the synthetic material in the fabric and leave pock-marks. Instead, put it on a towel or laundry bag and add to the wash.
Essential oils are so environmentally attuned that many of them can digest plastics and synthetics, which is the same reason your toilet seat may slowly deteriorate if you have been rubbing essential oils on your body and then sitting on the toilet.
14. My partner doesn’t like the smell of the oils!
This is a really interesting one! I’ve noticed that people whose bodies are more acidic tend to be more sensitive to the aroma of essential oils. This includes people whose health is compromised, eg. those in hospitals. When my aunt had cancer, I used to give her relaxing daily foot rubs. I always had to dilute the oils, because she couldn’t tolerate the intensity of their smell. That’s also the reason I chose to massage her feet, and not her shoulders or hands (ie. her feet were the furthest body part from her nose!)
I’ve known many a person who used to react to the smell of oils, end up being a complete “oils addict”.
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