3 Oily Tips for Fab Fitness!


I’d love to say I’m a fitness fanatic, but I’m not. My fitness routine comprises half hour walks on the beach, where I love the feeling of the sand between my toes, and breathing in all those negative ions from the ocean air.

Then there is the steep hill near my home, where some afternoons I’ll don my runners and head for the hill for a heavier walk-out. I’ll often take my phone and chat to friends while I’m doing this walk. They laugh at my crazy puffing – I sound like I’m in the middle of a hot date!

Yet whether you absolutely love staying fit or whether you have to be dragged kicking and screaming, there are 3 product tips that you will never want to be without in your fitness journey. Can you guess what they are?

TIP #1 – Peppermint oil
for Stamina

Have you ever used Peppermint oil as a breath freshener? I love to put one drop on the back of my hand, tilt my hand so that the drop runs, and then lick the corner of the drop off.

Now be warned! 1 drop of Peppermint oil is equivalent to 28 cups of Peppermint tea, so that’s a LOT of punch in a single drop. That’s the reasoning behind just licking the corner of the drop. If you like it, and it’s not too strong for you, you can lick the rest of the drop. Otherwise, if it’s a warm day, simply rub the rest of the drop under your wrists. Peppermint is naturally cooling, so you’ll feel as though the outside temperature has just dropped by 5 degrees!

Whether you are simply inhaling the Peppermint oil from the bottle or using it as a breath freshener, you’re going to have a whole treasure chest of other amazing benefits….for example, you are going to feel awake, alert and energised! But you will also feel calmer.

In 2009, a study was done of drivers, especially long distance drivers¹. They found that those who sniffed Peppermint oil before their drive experienced less fatigue, less frustration, and they felt like their drive was shorter! How amazing is that!

But Peppermint oil is also the perfect oil to use before exercise, because its aroma helps increase strength and stamina.

Scientists proved this in 2001, with a study done on 20 male and 20 female athletes². They put a piece of tape under their nose, and applied 2 drops of Peppermint essential oil to the tape.

The results were absolutely amazing (see the graphs below)! When they were inhaling the Peppermint oil, the athletes:

  • Ran the 400 metre dash faster,
  • Had significantly stronger hand grip strength, and
  • Were able to do more push-ups before they were exhausted
So when you have a busy day ahead, or you are about to start a workout…or even if you are in the middle of a workout and need an extra boost of energy, make sure you are sniffing Peppermint oil! Keep a bottle in your pocket or handbag, and sniff it any time you need that extra boost!


  1. Effects of Peppermint and Cinnamon Odor Administration on Simulated Driving Alertness, Mood and Workload by B. Raudenbush, R. Grayhem, T. Sears and I. Wilson, 2009.. North American Journal of Psychology; 11(2).
  2. Enhancing athletic performance through the administration of peppermint odor, by B. Raudenbush, N. Corley, & W. Eppich, 2001, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 23(2): 156-160.

TIP #2 – NingXia Red for superfood energy



Drink 60ml of NingXia Red before or during any fitness activity or workout. It can be drunk neat, or you can dilute it into some filtered water. It’s available in a 2 pack or 4 pack of 750ml bottles, or in a handy 60ml sachet (perfect when you’re out and about).

This superjuice is packed full of vitamins and minerals….in fact, it’s a pure and natural energy source for our body! It’s suitable for the whole family, whether you’re just needing a way to kick-start your day, an afternoon pick-me-up, or a boost of vitality when you are doing a workout.

NingXia Red (pronounced “Ning-sha Red”) contains 16% pureed NingXia Wolfberries, which is a type of goji berry. That means not just a concentrate, but all the goodness from the skin, seeds, and pulp.

This is combined with other high antioxidant fruit juices – Blueberry, Plum, Aronia, Cherry, and Pomegranate – and it’s sweetened with Stevia.

Even better, it’s flavoured with 4 different citrus essential oils, Orange, Yuzu. Lemon and Tangerine, all very high in d-Limonene….and it tastes delicious!

60ml of NingXia Red is like having a whole fridge and freezer full of fruit and vegies in a single drink….it’s pure energy for our body!

In fact, 60ml of NingXia Red is equivalent in biological activity to consuming 118 heads of broccoli, 200 oranges, or 45,628 almonds!

The Ningxia Wolfberry puree is obtained from organic goji berries (aka wolfberries) from the Ningxia Province of China. Located near the Mongolian border, this region is fed by beautiful, pure, mineral-rich glacial water, which many attribute as the “secret ingredient” in the wolfberries.

These wolfberries are so popular in China, there is even an annual festival to celebrate them! And no wonder – the Ningxia wolfberries have:

  • more protein than bee pollen (yes, they’re a high protein fruit!).
  • more Vitamin C than oranges
  • more beta carotene than carrots
  • they are high in Xeaxanthin (a nutrient needed by our eyes to optimize vision).
  • The ancient Chinese used wolfberries to support the health of their muscles, ligaments, bones, liver, heart, brain and eyes

There is a famous Chinese text written in 1593 AD. It talks about a wolfberry elixir which was given to an elderly man. After drinking it, this man “Could walk extremely fast, as if he were flying, and his grey hair turned black again.”

Why? Because mineral loss in the body can cause premature greying of the hair. Support the body to have healthy levels of minerals, and it becomes supple and youthful.


TIP #3 – Deep Relief Roll-on for those tired muscles

Deep Relief roll-on is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. It’s an all-round miracle worker!
I’ve always loved Panaway oil blend. With the same frequency as our bones, Panaway is my go-to for rubbing onto my bones when they need some extra TLC.

Then we have AromaSiez oil blend. This is a very popular combination of essential oils used to relax muscles. If I’ve been overdoing it and sitting too long at my computer, or doing too strenuous a walk, then AromaSiez is my favourite for rubbing into my tight hamstrings or calf muscles (or wherever else I feel tight).

But Deep Relief is what I call an all-rounder. It contains some oils that match the frequency of bones, some that match the frequency of muscles, some that match the frequency of nerves. So it’s an energy balancer for the entire body, as well as being a fabulous muscle relaxer.

Whenever someone comes to me complaining of tight and tired muscles after a workout, Deep Relief Roll-on is always top of my list to give them.
A couple of weeks ago, a landscaper was at my home doing some work. When he arrived, his muscles were already tight. Too much lifting of heavy pavers, I was thinking! He’d given his body a very big workout. So I gave him my bottle of Deep Relief Roll-on and a heat pack to put over the top, and now he won’t give it back!!!

First, he did a tiny roll of it onto his muscles, and thought that would be enough. So after a bit of coaxing, he became more liberal…then we put the heat pack over the top, after the oils had soaked in.

That afternoon, I asked him how his muscles were feeling. “Amazing!”, he said, “I can really feel how the heat is driving it into my body”. He was able to get on with the rest of his day, with beautifully relaxed and calm muscles.

I love Deep Relief Roll-on so much that I carry one in my handbag so it’s always on hand, anytime I’ve overdone it…..or found someone else who’s overdone it.

Here’s how to order….

If you already have your own wholesale account with Young Living, you can order through the shopping cart on your virtual office, or via phone or live chat with your local Young Living office.
If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, or if you’ve never set up an account, please reach out to the person who introduced you to Young Living. You will need their member number when you place your first order.
If you have lost touch with them, or need any other assistance, we are here to help. Simply click on the button below, and we’ll be in touch to assist you and help answer your questions.

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