Do you love oils, and love helping others?


When I first came across Young Living in September 1998, I was looking for something that could help my own health. I was at a business women’s networking meeting to promote my practitioner work, and a lady stood up at that meeting and offered a free cassette on essential oils.

I could have easily walked out of that meeting without that cassette…but I didn’t.

That cassette was Gary Young (the founder of Young Living) talking about the power of essential oils. As I listened to Gary talking with such passion and credibility about how essential oils are the missing link in our world, I felt a nudge inside. I knew this cassette had been put in front of me for a reason, and that I was being invited on a journey of exploration.

I wasn’t a complete novice with essential oils. I had a small collection of other brands. But from that very first month when I started using the Young Living oils and saw how fast and effective they are, I was utterly captivated.

I had never experienced this from any of my other brands, so I knew I’d stumbled across something special…….BUT……there was a problem……

How Joy oil changed a woman’s life

You know how we can carry around baggage? We leave one relationship, and our less-than-positive experiences in that relationship then colour how we look at our next relationship?

Well, I was guilty of this. You see, Young Living was (and still is) a network marketing company. As much as I was falling in love with the oils, I’d had such bad past experiences with network marketing that I was really bummed that Young Living was indeed a network marketing company.

It created a lot of conflict in me. So I made a decision – I was just going to use the oils for myself, and I wasn’t going to help anyone else with them.

If you’re reading this, I’m sure you’re chuckling away, because you can see that clearly I failed with that promise to myself, lol. Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this. So what happened?

I’ve often said that Young Living (as a business) is the best decision I NEVER made. I was completely authentic when I promised myself I wasn’t going to share these products with others, and I was only going to use them for myself.

But do you ever feel like Spirit/God/The Universe has other plans for you? That’s what happened for me.

So how did it happen?

It started with a lovely lady called Margot who came to me for a spiritual session. She shared with me about a loved one who had recently died, and as she talked she dropped deeply into her grief. She was crying and so distressed. I knew I had another client straight after her, and due to arrive in 15 minutes.

How was I going to solve this, so that I was on time for my next client, and

Margot wasn’t leaving in a state of deep distress?

This was October 1998, and I’d just purchased my Essential 7 Kit from Young Living. I’d been reading up on the different oils, and I knew that Joy oil was meant to be a good oil for grief.

So I offered her a drop of Joy oil to place on the lower centre of her chest, over her heart chakra.

To my utter amazement, within 10 minutes she was smiling and laughing. And she noticed the difference, too. As we wrapped up the session, she asked me if I had any information on the essential oil I’d just given her. I passed on my cassette (the one with Gary Young speaking on it).

As soon as she walked in the door at her home, she rang me. “I’ve listed to the cassette on my way home,” she announced, “And I want to become a distributor for Young Living,” she said.

And that’s where my journey began

That month I earned a whopping US $5 in commission, all for helping Margot order some oils. Nowadays we have much better commissions with Young Living than we did when I first started.

But I have to say that $5 could have been $5,000. It made my heart sing, because I had earned this money through making a difference in someone else’s life.

Then as I talked to a couple of friends that next month and shared what was new in my life, I mentioned the experiences I was having with the Essential 7 Kit. Both of them asked me how they could get a kit for themselves and their family.

Suddenly I had 3 people in my Young Living “team”.

I could have just ignored them, and stayed in my cave. But instead, I decided that it felt really good to help people in this way. As a practitioner, many people were relying on me to make a difference in their physical and emotional wellbeing, and I felt the weight of that responsibility.

I loved the idea of having an empowering tool that my clients and friends could use at home, to support themselves and their loved ones. 

So I took initiative. I started to mention my favourite oil for the month in a newsletter I was sending to my clients, and I began holding a monthly gathering for my friends, so we could share about our experiences with the products. And I started intentionally incorporating essential oils into my classes, so my students could get a “taste” of their power and beauty.

Our essential oils call people to them

Gary and Mary always talked about putting “Good money into the hands of good people so they can do good work.” I’m a walking testament to this philosophy.

If we now track forwards 26 years, you’ll see that my way of sharing hasn’t really changed at all. I no longer give out a cassette. Instead, I direct people to past blogs that might be of interest to them, from (that’s where all my past bulletins are stored, the ones you’ve been receiving each week as an email).

And I no longer have an active practice with clients. Instead, I meet people in my everyday life. For example, many of the practitioners I see have ended up ordering oils after talking to me, including my integrative doctor, dentist, massage therapist, beauty therapist, personal trainer, etc.

And then there are all the many people I encounter when I’m out and about (people I don’t personally know). They smell the oils on me and ask what I’m wearing, and we get into a relaxed conversation about them. Or they see my oils displayed in my Luci handbag. Or we get chatting at the local farmers markets, or at a dance class, or any event I turn up to….I even met someone last week at a funeral, and will be chatting to her tomorrow, and one year I got into a conversation with someone that I bumped into in a public toilet on Christmas Eve!!!

There are people all around us who are curious about our oils and oil-infused products. 

Love it? Why not share it!

At its core, network marketing is a great concept.

In traditional marketing, a manufacturer sells to a wholesaler who sells to a retailer, and everyone gets their cut. A $2 product ends up being sold for $30 in the stores.

With network marketing, the company knows that their best form of spreading the word is through their existing network of loyal customers.

So any customer who loves their product so much that they bring in other customers receives the commission that would otherwise be paid in wholesale and retail margins.

When this door opens for you as it has for me, and you’re ready to help someone else to order oils and oil-infused products for themselves and their family, make sure you reach out to your upline leaders for help.

We are here to support and guide you through the steps, to make the whole process of setting up a Young Living account super easy. If you’ve lost touch with your upline and aren’t sure who to reach out to, contact me and I’ll find out for you.

Help to cover the cost of your own products 

Sharing Young Living with others is a beautiful way to help cover the cost of your own products, so that you can bless yourself and your family.

Network marketing works off the principle that a small commission multiplied by many people produces a large commission. So we don’t only earn commissions on the people we have personally introduced. With a few small requirements from us, we also earn commissions on the people they go on to introduce, and the people they go on to introduce, and so on.

We literally grow our own family tree of customers, any of whom can go on to distribute the products in their own right if they choose.

As I watched my own practitioner business grow, and my Young Living adventure grew alongside of that, I soon could see that my Young Living business was going to outstrip my other business in terms of both income, and the number of lives I could change for the better. In 2007, 9 years after I’d fallen in love with Young Living, I gave it my full-time commitment, and I’ve never looked back.

The things I love about helping others with Young Living:

So what stops people from sharing Young Living with others? 

I’ll be really straight here. It’s to do with the stories that people make up in their minds, and their perception of what being a Young Living “sharer” means. Here are 5 of the most common “stories” that I hear from people, and how I would respond to those comments, based on my own approach and my own experiences:

1. I don’t want to sell to my friends

I’ve never sold to friends, I’ve only ever helped my friends. I’m very clear on the difference.

2. Others will judge me if they think I’m selling to them

That only happens if you are out of alignment with your own integrity. Being a “sales person” is synonomous with selling people something they don’t need, just because we want to make a sale. So don’t do that! I’ve only been judged once, when I tried to be salesy. I learned very quickly that my path is the path of service, not sales. When I hold that vision clearly in mind, people feel that.

I always teach that our love for another person and their situation must be greater than our love for Young Living. That way we will genuinely help others, and we won’t be looking out for our own gain, but rather for the path that will make the biggest difference to them.

3. I don’t know enough

You only need to have had a great experience with one product to start sharing. From there, start to educate yourself about a core handful of products that speak to you and your needs. You’ll have your amazing experiences, and you’ll share from there. We all start somewhere. Even I can’t speak like an expert on the whole product line, so just work with the subset that meets your needs the best.

4. I’m not an aromatherapist

Nor am I!!! I just have a passion for essential oils and I’ve learned from Gary Young himself, and from people who have learned from Gary. There’s so much wonderful material in my Oil Temple blogs for you to feed your mind with. Start there.

5. I don’t have time

Rather than treating this as a separate adventure that takes extra time from your week, buddy it into the things you already love to do. 

When I go dancing, I take my Red Drink to hydrate with, and people see me drinking from it and comment. When I go to a party or event, I always have essential oils on me. People give me a hug and comment on my beautiful smell. That’s a great conversation starter.

Remember that Young Living is here to bless your life as you bless others!!! So be in your heart, help people with oils and oil-infused products, talk about them from your own experience and in an authentic and non-salesy way.

It’s as simple as asking the question….

So often we let our own fears get in the way of asking the most important question.

If someone is interested in your conversation, remember to make the offer of: “Would you like to catch up? I’d love to find out more about what’s going on in your life, and I can let you know what’s worked for me. If it’s something you think will work for you and your family, I can show you how to order.”

It’s all in the languaging. When we choose heart-based languaging when we’re helping another person, we create a clear distinction between our intention to be of service, and what we would expect from a “stereotypic” sales person.

When we’re being of service, there is no guilt attached. When there’s no guilt attached, the conversation flows with ease, and people feel relaxed with us. When they trust us, they trust the path we guide them along.

If you’ve read this far and something in my words resonates,
here are a couple of things that can help:

Learn how to share with authenticity and heart….

If you’re a part of my Young Living family tree, I’ve been running some fortnightly coaching calls for my team. Next week is Week 4. If you’re interested in joining us, please click the button below and I’ll send you the link to register:

To catch up on Week’s 1 to 3, click here and we’ll send you the replay links. You’ll have 72 hours to watch them before they expire:

Check out this AU/NZ Promotion…until 30 Nov 2024!!!

From now until 30th November, if you help one of your friends to set up their own Young Living account in Australia or New Zealand, with a 100+PV starting order, they will receive a free AromaConnect™ Luna Mist™ Diffuser valued at AUD$107.80. 

If you are reading this and it’s been 4 years or more since you’ve ordered from Young Living,  you are also eligible to reactivate your account with a 100+PV order, and receive this beautiful diffuser. 

And don’t forget our amazing Black Friday sale, which runs through until 25th November.

If you’re a current Young Living member, visit your virtual office for details. If you’re not yet a member, or it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, reach out to the person who introduced you to Young Living for their assistance. If you’ve lost touch with them, please contact me for assistance (see order below button). 

How to order…

If you already have your own wholesale account with Young Living, you can order now through the shopping cart on your virtual office, or via phone or live chat with your local Young Living office.

If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, or if you’ve never set up an account, please reach out to

the person who introduced you to Young Living. You will need their member number when you place your first order.

If you have lost touch with them, or need any other assistance, we are here to help. Simply click the button below and we’ll be in touch to assist you and help answer your questions.