Why Deep Night Essence makes such perfect sense
Did you enjoy my latest post, where I shared the powerful results I’ve been having with Young Living’s Deep Night Essence?
Boy, am I ever grateful for Deep Night Essence. It’s leapfrogged many of my other favourite Young Living supplements and it’s sitting at the top of my “must have” and “must never run out of” list, alongside of NingXia Red and Sulfurzyme.
Ever since hitting menopause, my sleep patterns have been out the window, and I’ve been gratefully taking melatonin each night.
I thought that was doing me a lot of good…..until I tried Deep Night Essence. The contrast was stunning!
I’m a firm believer in the importance of having truly deep, rejuvenating sleep each night. But I had no idea there would be such a variation in how different night-time products would feel in my body.
Just as an experiment, I decided last weekend to switch back to my melatonin supplement for just one night. I needed to prove to myself that it wasn’t all just in my mind.
And it wasn’t.
I didn’t sleep any better with the melatonin compared to the Deep Night Essence, but I was soooooo groggy in the morning after taking the melatonin, and it took me a good couple of hours to fully wake up and feel vibrant again.
It amazes me how we can become accustomed to something and forget how it feels to be truly in balance. For my body, Deep Night Essence mimics my natural sleep cycles and has me waking alert and clear-headed, ready to tackle the adventures of the day.
Today, I want to dive into why this is….let’s look at why Deep Night Essence just makes such perfect sense.
Deep Night Essence is available from Young Living USA, but at the time of writing this bulletin it’s not yet available in all of our regional markets. Those of us not living in the USA can still order it via “NFR” through our Young Living virtual office. See the “how to order” section at the bottom for details of how to place an NFR order, or contact us for assistance.
We never catch up on lost sleep….ever!!!

Being able to access deep sleep cycles is essential for our body’s ability to regenerate and heal. Deep sleep is vital in order for our body to clear toxins, regulate our mood, and maintain a healthy immune system.
In fact, we have a lymphatic system within our brain called the “glymphatic system”. Your brain is only able to detoxify itself when you are in the deepest of deepest of deep sleeps
(mostly during NREM3 when your brain enters its slowest delta brain waves).
During this deep sleep, your brain contracts, allowing more space for the cerebrospinal fluid to circulate in and around your brain.
Larger and heavier brain waste products take at least 8 hours of good sleep to be flushed out of your brain. And having just a single night of sleep deprivation has a huge impact on this brain waste clearance. Even if you catch up on sleep in the subsequent nights, this night where you didn’t get to detox your brain can never be won back.
So we can truly say that we never catch up on lost sleep. In the bigger picture, the more nights of deep sleep we can have, the better it is for our overall health and wellbeing (and the long-term health of our brain).
Why Sleep is so Critical for Health
Did you know that just 15 minutes of extra sleep per night can make the difference between a student receiving B grades versus a student receiving A grades? How amazing is that!
That’s because when we sleep well, active areas of our brain light up. But if we don’t sleep well, these don’t light up.
In fact, lack of sleep causes a loss of

myelination of the nerves in our brain, contributing to a degradation of our white brain matter.
If we experience a short sleep duration, it’s associated with greater age-related brain atrophy (shrinkage) and cognitive decline, and even depression.
Lack of sleep has also been linked to increased irritability, memory lapses and memory loss, cognitive impairment, hallucinations, weight gain, increased risk for Type 2 diabetes, pain, addictions, compromised immune system, feeling cold, increased risk of heart disease, depression, impaired judgment, and a mind that is so active it just won’t shut down.
50 to 70 million Americans (and so many other people on our Planet) suffer from chronic sleep disorders, which affect their health and their longevity. This is because long term sleep issues are also linked to diabetes, obesity, mental issues and even heart attacks.
So the lack of quality sleep is impacting many millions of lives. But what can we do about it?
The Benefits of Deep Night Essence

Deep Night Essence works in 4 unique ways
It has a very simply but surprising combination of ingredients (which you’ll see below). Did you know that Lemon Balm is the same plant that our Melissa oil comes from? It’s a wonderful “yin” plant, perfect for inviting us into an “inner” space of nurturing. And don’t be put off by the addition of green tea extracts. I’m very sensitive to caffeine and normally won’t consume caffeine in any form after 2pm, or it affects my sleep that night. That includes chocolate and green tea. But with this formula I sleep like a babe, so whatever magic they’ve woven, it works!

Night Blend: Spearmint and green tea extracts
- Promotes more restful sleep*
Holy Basil (Tulsi) and Lemon Balm extracts
- Supports the body’s natural response to stress*
Lavender oil
- Supports sleep quality during occasional restlessness*
- Research has shown that inhaling Lavender oil not only increases the total number of hours we sleep, it also increases our percentage of deep sleep.
Spearmint oil
- Supports overall wellness*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
NingXia Red – A companion product for Deep Night Essence
’ve always said that if you give me 9 hours of sleep per night, I can keep running like the Eveready Battery. It’s my sweet spot for sleep. It sounds like a lot, but it means that by having such extended rest at night, my brain and body functions like a high performing athlete during the day.
But the contrary is also true. Deprive me of sleep for too many nights in a row, and I

start to unravel and fray at the seams. I become more reactive. I don’t feel centred and peaceful. I feel “strung out”. My adrenals screech at me.
So it’s not surprising to read that lack of quality sleep is correlated to emotional instability and brain changes, which in turn produce anxiety, mood disorders, mental illnesses, and cognitive decline.
So just like sunlight, sleep is a vital nutrient for our body.
My favourite companion product to Deep Night Essence is Young Living’s NingXia Red.
In 2020 the Franklin Health Research Center conducted a clinical trial1 where 160 healthy adults were divided into two groups. One group drank 60ml of NingXia Red a day for two months, the other group didn’t. The group that drank the NingXia Red for 2 months showed significant support for their overall health compared to the group who didn’t.
NingXia Red was clinically shown to:

By the end of the 60 day study, on average the NingXia Red group fell asleep 6 minutes faster than the control group, and slept 21 minutes longer per night than they had at the start of the study.
These improved sleep patterns in turn improved productivity by 37.9%. Wow!!!
Now you know why both NingXia Red and Deep Night Essence are on my “must have” list. I trust you fall in love with them as much as I have.
How to order Deep Night Essence…

If you already have your own wholesale account with Young Living, you can order now through the shopping cart on your virtual office, or via phone or live chat with your local Young Living office.
If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, or if you’ve never set up an account, please reach out to
the person who introduced you to Young Living. You will need their member number when you place your first order.
If you have lost touch with them, or need any other assistance, we are here to help. Simply click the button below and we’ll be in touch to assist you and help answer your questions.