Gary Young is a true genius, and he began thinking, “I wonder why the Ancient people used the conical shape? I wonder if the location of the pipe makes a difference?” So Gary built a distiller to match the specifications of the ancient distillers, and he climbed in once the steam had been turned on (a very brave thing to do!).
What he observed was that the conical lids and the position of the pipe at the very top of that cone made a significant difference. The steam circulated with ease, spiraling up the cone, and out the top. In contrast, the modern distillers had their steam trapped for longer in the cooker….meaning the essential oils were getting “overcooked” by lingering in the hot cooker for longer.
Since that discovery, Gary has transitioned all of his cookers over to the ancient specifications, albeit using the top quality stainless steel in order to avoid any potential contamination of the oils from the metal of the cooking pot.
However, the excellence that Young Living brings to the cooking process is only one small aspect of what sets their oils apart from other brands.
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