The Infinity Team
When you join Young Living, you are part of a wonderful family of like-minded people who share a passion for essential oils and wellbeing through natural products. When you activate your account with Young Living, they will ask you who referred you – so you will put down the member number of the person who introduced you to their products.
If you were introduced by more than one person (independent of each other), you can choose the person you most connect with as your “enroller”.
This process puts you as part of a family tree – you are a new branch in the family tree that your enroller is part of. If you have enrolled with me or with one of the members in my team, then you are in my family tree, which is called:
The Infinity Team: where magic happens, and the impossible becomes possible.
The Infinity Team is a very special team of customers and distributors, as reflected by our core values:
- We communicate from the heart, with sincerity and passion
- We seek healthy and ethical solutions
- We are mindful in our actions, being present to each person and each task
- We are unselfishly loving, and value integrity above personal gain
- We listen with intention, and care about the concerns of people, animals and nature
- We are responsive to every person, regardless of their rank or outcome
- We share a heart-felt passion for the Young Living oils, and their transformative value
- We offer one of the world’s best and most versatile solutions to support holistic wellness health and inspire financial freedom
Benefits of joining
When you are part of The Infinity Team, you will:
- Be part of an amazing community of like-minded people
- Feel our genuine care for you
- Never be hassled or pressured to “buy” – we listen to you, and look for ways to best help you achieve your wellness goals (and financial goals, if you are interested in helping others with the Young Living products)
- Always have someone available to answer your questions, and support you in your essential oil and wellness journey. If you can’t reach the person who introduced you to Young Living, you will be able to post your questions in our members-only facebook group so that others can assist and guide you, or reach out to us at The Oil Temple so we can find the best person to help you.
- Be invited to attend our inspiring classes, both in person and online!!!! There are different topics, different presenters, so you will have a treasure-chest of wonderful experiences and learning ahead of you.
- Have access to our members-only facebook groups – The Infinity Team (for product knowledge), and “PHLAIR” (for those who are interested in sharing Young Living with others). You will learn so much through the sharing that takes place on these forums.
- Have access to the members-only section of our website – you will love the many tools available to you – we have class notes, webinars, videos, printed tools, and much more….all dedicated to helping you learn more about essential oils.
Ready to get started? Click here