If you are thinking essential oils are just a pretty smell – something you can use in an oil burner or in a relaxing massage – think again! Essential oils are the way of the future, able to impact in a profoundly “intelligent” way on body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Why does Dr. Daniel Penoel, M.D. (in his book “Natural Home Health Care using Essential Oils”) describe essential oils as acting with a “God-like intelligence”?
From the first moment you inhale an essential oil, it is sending signals to the limbic region of your brain (your subconscious). This is where you store emotions and memory, and it’s also the part of your brain responsible for spiritual experiences.
So essential oils help to reconnect you to your Inner Self. They are emotionally “regulating”, helping to calm and soothe, or uplift and invigorate, depending on what you need at that moment. This is why they appear so intelligent in their action.
Yet essential oils do so much more than this! They also invigorate our brain, helping us focus and retain information the way our brains were intended to operate!
They also absorb through our skin, helping to rejuvenate us from the inside out, at the same time bringing uplifting our frequency so that we can optimize our physical health. Certain essential oils can even be used to flavor your food and beverages, adding a whole new dimension to the flavours you create.
Essential oils truly are nature’s magic in a bottle, and the most precious gift you can ever give to yourself and your human and animal family. And if this all sounds too good to be true, it may be. You see, essential oils are not all created equal, and our labelling laws do nothing to inform or protect us against harmful chemicals creeping into our precious bottles. An oil can be labelled “100% pure” and be mostly synthetic or adulterated oil.
Welcome to this amazing journey….
There are many essential oils companies on the market, so how do you know who to choose? There is one simple guideline. Most of those companies are marketing companies that sell essential oils. Yes, they do their best to source high quality oils for their customers, from reputable suppliers.
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Most companies that sell essential oils are aiming to bring you a beautiful aroma. Young Living are dedicated to something far beyond aroma. Essential oils are made up of a complex “Fingerprint” of compounds. Where the majority of producers extract the main aromatic compounds and end up with a partial fingerprint (ie. a pretty smell), Young Living’s focus is to capture the entire essential oil fingerprint.
Since 1994, Young Living have been dedicating time, love and resources into discovering each plant’s unique needs. Because they are growers and not just suppliers, they ask the right questions of the plant. They experiment to find out what conditions each plant needs in order to gift us with the most potent essential oils. It is their thirst for knowledge, their foundation of experience, and their inventiveness and intuitiveness which keeps Young Living at the cutting edge of essential oil production, always going above and beyond.
Read moreUnlike most essential oil companies, Young Living don’t buy oils through brokers and on-sell them. Instead, they achieve the ultimate quality control by growing plants on their own farms and partner farms – 16 farms in 12 countries – as well as sourcing from their Seed to Seal certified suppliers.
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