Abundance Oil


Don’t you love how inspiration works? I wasn’t even wearing my Inspiration oil! I was about to put on my beautiful new clear quartz necklace which has Abundance oil in it (see pic below)….and suddenly it hit me!

Let’s make the month of August an Abundance Challenge!!! How exciting!!! Would you love to join me? 

All you need to do is put one drop of 
Young Living’s Abundance oil on your wrist each day for the month of August, and watch the magic that happens for you.

What if the things you most desired could come true?

Have you ever longed for a genie in a bottle, who could grant you 3 wishes? We have something just as good, and it also comes in a bottle….but it smells a whole lot better than a genie! 

Abundance oil is a blend containing all the oils that the Egyptian Pharaohs used for attracting prosperity. Here’s my personal theory about how it works. When we get stressed about money or about the lack of anything in our life, our aura (energy field) spins in a reverse direction. I’m sure you know the feeling – some days you feel like everything you touch turns to gold. Other days, everything that could go wrong, does. It’s days like this when we most need Abundance oil.

When I put a drop of Abundance oil on my wrists, within about 30 minutes I notice my “fear of lack” has disappeared, and is replaced by peace and acceptance. Once I have that emotional shift, my aura then starts spinning in the correct (clockwise) direction… and money and opportunities flow in again. 

The Abundance oil achieves this by changing not only our aura but also our internal emotional state. We are powerful and natural manifestors, so if we’re not attracting positive things to us, it’s because something’s blocking us…and usually that’s our Self. 

Are you curious how Abundance oil works on emotions?

The aroma of essential oils has such a positive impact on our moods and our spiritual connection. I’m sure you’ve heard the stats about how much of our brain we are NOT using! So because aroma stimulates the limbic region of our brain, smells (like those emanating from therapeutic-grade essential oils) can help tap us into our inner greatness. 

What I’ve noticed is that when we need more Abundance, we’re often not in the head space to work harder (because we’re already stressed). So each time I use Abundance oil, the gifts it brings me usually don’t require me to work any harder than I am already…it just magnifies the results from my efforts.

You are about to read some pretty profound stories from a bulletin that went out 3 years ago. And at the end of our August Abundance Challenge, I’ll compile another exciting email like this, with the “wins” that have occurred throughout the month.

Please tell us your exciting abundant synchronicities when you wear Young Living’s Abundance Oil!!! We’d love to hear from you!!!  

Could these experiences be purely coincidental? I’ll leave that for you to decide…..

We Sold our Home!

Kylie writes: We put a 15ml bottle of Abundance oil into 8 litres of house paint, and painted our entrance and front lounge room before placing our home on the market.
It SOLD at the very first open home!
We had 3 offers, 2 above our asking price, and this was in a quiet real estate market!!!

I sold $12,000 worth of opals

Kristina writes: My family work in the opal mining business. Many years ago I was on a trip to Cairns to sell opal. I put Abundance oil on purposefully before I went into the wholesaler’s place. Normally he’d buy $1,000 to $2,000 worth of opal from me, but this day he bought $12,000 worth of opal!

All I did was apply Abundance oil with that intention…and I came out going, “Wow, that was amazing!”

Won Lotto – $28,000!!!

Samala writes: One of our Young Living members had been applying Abundance oil on their wrists for 6 weeks. Within those weeks they were receiving abundance in many areas.


One of the family members got an unexpected pay rise. Then they won $28,000 in the lottery.

One of my tips to them was to put Abundance oil into a sample bottle and to keep it in their wallet. Abundance has also come to me and my family in so many ways.

When I started in Young Living and wanted to reach Executive in 3 months, I diffused it every day. I needed to reach just $1000 in a couple of days to reach this goal. 12 hours before the deadline, I had 2 clients walk in – one ordered a kit, the other purchased a kit and $1100 worth of oils. Amen! 

Success with our new Clinic

Christine writes: We put a 15 ml bottle of Abundance oil into 10 litres of paint when we bought our new Wellness Clinic. We also had to move the Clinic down the road. So it now had new owners, new practitioners and a new location, and we did not lose numbers at all….in fact,
We increased numbers by 50% in the first 2 months of opening.

Business increased by >30%

Nikki writes: I received a bottle of Abundance oil as a gift from Young Living when I reached Executive rank. I used it every day on my heart for an abundance of love, and on the back of my neck for abundance in business.


My business increased by more than 30 per cent that month!

Abundance in 3 forms

Artemis writes: I bought my first bottle of Abundance oil in October 1998. Things were very tight for me financially in those days, and I loved the sound of the oil. I put a drop on my wrist, rubbed both wrists together, and went about my day.

Three surprising things occurred that day, all to do with money.

Firstly, I went to buy something I needed, and it was on sale! Then I received a cheque in the mail from someone who owed me money. I’d already written this off, never expecting to see the money, so this was such an unexpected bonus.

Then I had an extra $300 booking for one of my weekend courses. I’ve also used it before going into situations that involve disagreement and conflict. Each time, I’ve been amazed at the positive outcomes that have emerged. 

Our Abundance Mantra….

Amy writes: I call it my Abundant Connections Oil. My daughters and I put a drop on our forearms and rub it in three times whilst we say this morning mantra:

Here’s to Abundance all through the day, 
from everyone
to everyone
in every way!

Won $6,000 in a competition

Nicole writes: When Penny was placing her first Young Living order, I dropped a couple of drops of Abundance oil in her purse. A few weeks later she won $6,000!

She had entered a competition on the radio, had to answer 3 questions, and she and her mum won $3000 each.

And I always put Abundance oil on and use it in the diffuser in my home before my essential oil parties. When I set my intention for the day and use Abundance oil, the results are always a lot more abundant.

An Abundance of Courage

Marianne writes: I loved your bulletin where you suggested we partner Abundance oil with another blend. I’ve been doing that diligently this month, and I feel that I have turned a corner in my life, thanks to the Abundance oil.

I have always been one of those people who doesn’t stand up for themselves; I’m far too quick to offer help before I am asked, or to say “yes” even when I don’t want to. 

So to get an abundance of courage is such an amazing gift for me

We were asked to help someone out by running their business for a few days at a time, once in August and again in September. It wasn’t all that suitable….so, very unlike me, I said, yep absolutely ready to help you but not on this day and definitely not on that day. 

Ready for more Abundance? Here’s how to order…. 

If you already have your own wholesale account with Young Living, you can order through the shopping cart on your virtual office, or via phone with your local Young Living office.

If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, or if you’ve never set up an account, please reach out to the person who introduced you to Young Living. You will need their member number when you place your first order. 

If you have lost touch with them, or need any other assistance, we are here to help. Simply click on the button below, and we’ll be in touch to assist you and help answer your questions.

Order Now

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