Amazing Emotional Experiences with Essential Oils
A bit over 30 years ago I developed a love affair with our emotional journey. Prior to that time, I was a very reserved, polite young woman who was trying so hard to be liked.
But once I delved into that mysterious, limitless landscape which is our emotional field, I discovered so much depth within me, and so much capacity for both joy and pain. I learned how to release my pent-up frustrations and pain through both screaming and sobbing. Both emotions took me places I’d never ventured before. And through that journey, I was brought to rebirthing as a means of connecting with emotional insights.
So yes, I’m a rebirthing/breathwork practitioner from years ago….until I discovered our Young Living oils. And that’s when I had another paradigm shift, because I realised how easily our oils help us to connect in with the very emotions we most need to feel in order to move forward in life. It’s so much simpler than a rebirthing session. It’s something we can use on ourself, to connect and reconnect with our inner wisdom and our depth of Being.
If you find this concept curious, make sure you’ve read my oils bulletin about how essential oils work on our emotions and our Spirit.
Of course there are times when we can benefit from an experienced practitioner holding space for us, and guiding us into the areas we may be avoiding. That’s why I took Gary Young’s teachings and evolved them into the Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique, which I teach each year in Byron Bay. Click here to join me in May 2023 in my upcoming course.
Yet even without the gift of a session with an experienced practitioner, you can guide yourself into your own depths with our beautiful oils. Just reach for whatever oil is calling you intuitively, and place it wherever you feel drawn to on your body. It’s that simple! The results can be completely profound…..
What’s the most amazing Emotional experience you’ve ever had with a Young Living oil?
Nicole Y. writes:
I was about to present my first Young Living workshop at our Sydney head office. My mum was there, and she said something right before that triggered me.
I went over to the oil stand and hovered my hand over the oils until I stopped at one. It was this baby: Relieve It. One inhale and the emotional trigger was gone.
I presented, felt calm and grounded and it was safe to be around my mum. |
Nicole B. writes:
I believe that our family (and the people we are close to) are in our lives to help us to learn and grow. But gee it can be challenging sometimes!
I remember a particularly hard time I was having with my mother-in-law, and I was so upset… I was out walking, trying to calm down amongst the gum trees. This particular day I was so worked up that I ended up phoning my friend to try and talk it through to help release the BIG FEELS (notice the word release, yes, our oils are named perfectly, aren’t they)?
Anyway, luckily my friend is on my Young Living team and knew exactly what to suggest. I was too worked up to think of it myself, but she was right.
I sat on a park bench and bathed myself in Release oil (I have some in my handbag at all times) and immediately all the raw frustration, anger, upset, annoyance, ggggrrrrrr feelings that were making me want to scream, yell, cry and shake the living sh#t out of this woman all dissolved and I was able to calm down, have a cry and release all the pent up emotions.
Once I was calm, I walked home, put on some Forgiveness oil and came back to a place of being able to see things from where she was coming from. I may not agree with how she does things but we are all doing the best we can in life. I am so incredibly grateful for these oils and the emotional support they give us.
How lucky are we to have these magic formulas that can help us to go from GGGGRRRRR to calm?
Thank you Gary, thank you Young Living.
Lorna R. writes:
In 2010 I was suffering a particularly severe bout of sciatica, and my myopractor suggested it was emotionally based as he had performed all movements that should have relieved it.
The next day after my 3rd myopractor appointment, I did a meditation and asked what the sciatica was caused from…and it came to mind that I believed I was ‘not good enough’.
I applied Copaiba oil and thanked the pain, then said ‘I let you go’.
I have never suffered from sciatica pain since. To me, this confirms my myopractor’s comment that the root cause was indeed emotional, and the oils helped me shift the underlying feelings of not being good enough. We’re so blessed by the power of these oils!
Artemis writes:
I was on my first trip to Ecuador. Although I was sooooo excited to connect with Gary Young and his vision for changing lives in Ecuador, I found myself sitting with some Young Living friends in a cafe in Ecuador, and just not feeling like myself.
I didn’t know what was wrong, so I reached into my oils case and pulled out Trauma Life oil, and applied a couple of drops to my chest. I had no idea why I was drawn to Trauma Life, but it just felt like the right oil.
Within about 10 minutes, tears began pouring down my face. I suddenly realised that I was being triggered by the look and smell of Ecuador.
I’d spent 3 years in Indonesia in my mid 20’s, and felt right at home. My Dad had been born in Indonesia, and so it really was part of my heritage. Here I was with my first husband, happily ensconced in expat life. But that’s when the unexpected occurred. Suddenly my husband’s work contract got cancelled, and we were given 2 weeks to pack up and leave the country. It wasn’t only our “home” we were leaving, and the people who worked for us – it was all the beautiful animals and pets I’d gathered in my time in Indonesia.
It was such a traumatic experience to leave all of that behind, and I realised I’d not fully released the grief of that time. Because this was my first time being in a third world country since leaving Indonesia, the poverty and smells of Ecuador were stirring up the pain for me from the past. Trauma Life oil allowed me to reconnect with those emotions, and release them. What’s really interesting is that I’ve been to Ecuador another 4 times since then, without any repeat of the emotions.
Anne writes:
I was feeling especially “down” one night. I had been invited out to a party, but nothing in me wanted to go.
A friend turned up at my home right when I was feeling sorry for myself, and she offered me a drop of Grounding oil to rub on the back of my neck.
The next thing I knew, I was sobbing uncontrollably. “It’s broken, it’s broken,” was all I could say.
About 12 years earlier I had broken my neck in a horse riding accident, and ended up in hospital in traction for 3 months. The oil brought the emotions of being “broken” to the surface.
After 10 minutes of sobbing, all of the emotion had passed. Not only did I feel happy again, but I found myself really wanting to go to this party…and so off I went, able to smell the roses once more. It was such an amazing experience that has given me a deep appreciation for our oils.
Ragnhildur A. H. writes:
My biggest emotional experience happened just the other day. The Feelings Kit protocol has always been a very emotional experience for me, especially when it comes to using Forgiveness oil.
But it was a bit different the other day, when I had an extreme emotional release while using Inner Child. I don’t think I have cried this much since I was a child.
So many feelings and memories just flowed and I think I cried for a good 30 minutes. I was so tired afterwards but I felt so much better – it was as if a heavy load had been lifted off my chest. |
How to Order
If you already have your own wholesale account with Young Living, you can order through the shopping cart on your virtual office, or via phone or live chat with your local Young Living office.
If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, or if you’ve never set up an account, please reach out to the person who introduced you to Young Living. You will need their member number when you place your first order.
If you have lost touch with them, or need any other assistance, we are here to help. Simply click on the button below, and we’ll be in touch to assist you and help answer your questions.