An Amazing Discovery – two oils, one location
If you were to ask me one of the things that has kept me using the Young Living essential oils every single day since September 1998, I’d have to give you two answers. Firstly, it’s because they work!
I’ve seen such fast and amazing transformations when we use essential oils for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual applications. Sometimes the results are seen in seconds, sometimes they become obvious over time.
Yet there’s one other aspect of my journey with the Young Living oils that has kept me enthralled for 26 years, and that’s the journey of discovery.
Sometimes we don’t have the “perfect oil” with us for a situation, so we use what we have….only to discover that it may work even better!
Last year and this year I’ve made two incredible discoveries that I can’t wait to share with you in today’s bulletin. Enjoy!
An Amazing Discovery – one location on the body, two oils
What I’ve just discovered is (to me) utterly incredible and sooooo exciting! It relates to a special location on our body where essential oils can be applied, and then what oils we should put there.
This isn’t a normal place that I would have thought to apply oils….but wow, does it produce incredible results!
The Where….
OK…..drum roll please…..
It’s the base of the spine!!! Yep, you trace your spine to the very bottom, just above the tail bone, and that’s where you pop your oil.
I’ve put oils on my lower back before, when it’s been overworked and needed some TLC. But this is down a little bit lower than the sacrum.
Trace up your buttock crease, and where your buttock crease ends is where you’re going to put your oils.
Now, you want to be careful. No one deserves the experience of an oil running down their buttock crease and getting onto the very sensitive areas below. If that ever happens to you, run for your Young Living V6 oil, or any other good quality vegetable oil like Olive or Coconut oil, and apply it liberally. It will stop any irritation or burning within about 30 seconds to a minute.
Whew! Now we’ve got that important safety bit out of the way, let’s take a look at the importance of this location.
It’s the base of our spine, which in yogic principles is called the Base Chakra (aka the Root Chakra).
The Base Chakra is an important energy centre in our body which grounds us and anchors us into the Earth, providing us with a sense of strength and safety. Because it’s our connection with the Earth, this energy centre is also fundamental to our experience of aliveness and vitality.
The First Oil…
Last year when I was creating the ParaSET Technique, I was guided to use Palo Santo oil on the Base Chakra as one of the steps. That made a lot of sense to me.
Palo Santo oil represents the divine masculine.
This doesn’t mean a woman can’t wear it. It just means that its qualities are those of the masculine, ie. strength, protection, grounding, safety.
Previously I’ve used Palo Santo oil on the base of my neck around C7/T1 (at the back).
I’d put it on if I needed a bit of extra spiritual protection, similar to how I use White Angelica oils on my shoulders before giving a Raindrop Technique. I also love rubbing Palo Santo oil on my chest anytime I need some extra TLC there. And it has the same frequency as joints, so it’s one I love rubbing into elbows, shoulders, knees, etc.
This was the first time I’d thought to use it on the base of the spine, and the experience was phenomenal.
If I’m feeling emotional and I put Palo Santo oil on my base chakra, it’s as if someone took the plug out of the bathtub of turbulent emotions, and they all disappeared down the drain until I’m left standing in a puddle of water, able to see my life and my world with great clarity (minus the emotional turbulence).
It doesn’t stop me from feeling emotions. It just gives me enormous perspective, so that I’m no longer drowning in my emotions, but able to think and see clearly.
I’ve been so blown away by the experiences of this one oil on the base of my spine that I use it whenever I need it (ie. for the big emotional upsets in my life, the ones that don’t easily subside).
The Second Oil…
But then something else happened.
A few weeks ago I was teaching essential oils at a Sound of BeingTM course (that’s a form of sound healing that I’ve trained in), and we decided to use Valor oil on the base of the spine.
I use Valor oil every day under my feet as part of the 7 Oil Ritual. Because it holds the same frequency as our spine, I also love to put it on any part of my spine that’s calling out to me.
But I’ve never specifically used it this low on my spine, until that morning.
I’d just finished sharing in a way that was quite vulnerable and emotional for me, so I could feel these waves of emotion and tears washing over me.
I handed around the Valor oil, and invited all the students to put a drop on their palms,
and to deeply inhale the aroma before applying the oil 3 times clockwise to their Base Chakra.
Why 3 times clockwise? The number 3 is a sacred number in many spiritual traditions.
Biblically it represents that sense of divine wholeness, allowing us to experience ourself as complete and perfect. And we rotate the oil clockwise on our skin because that’s the direction our DNA spins when it’s healthy, so we’re affirming health through every layer of our body, right down to our DNA. It provides an unconscious union between that oil and our body to invite health and wellbeing.
This morning, I did exactly what I had invited the students to do. I deeply inhaled the Valor oil from my palm, and allowed the exquisite aroma to fill my senses. Then I placed my palm on my lower back (right where the buttock crease ends), and rotated it 3 times clockwise to spread the oil onto my spine. It was clockwise as if I was outside my body, looking at my lower back.
Then I sat quietly.
The experience I had was extraordinary. Over the next minute, this amazing calmness came over me, as all the emotions subsided. The calm replaced the emotional energy, and I felt centred and….frankly….utterly whole!
What amazed me the most was the speed of this experience. It literally was like someone had taken the plug out of the bathtub of emotions, and they’d all drained away, leaving only peace behind. It took all of 1 minute to go from “state A” to “state B”.
Wow, am I excited by what I experienced that day!
Now I have two oils to experiment with, and I’m sure there will be many others that will work in a similar way. In fact, any oil that is grounding and protective (like our tree oils) would be a great oil to use here on the base of the spine. Think Northern Lights Black Spruce, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Idaho Blue Spruce, even Australian Blue Cypress.
I’d love to hear your experiences when you try this tip….make sure you contact me and let me know.
How to order….
If you already have your own wholesale account with Young Living, you can order now through the shopping cart on your virtual office, or via phone or live chat with your local Young Living office.
If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, or if you’ve never set up an account, please reach out to the person who introduced you to Young Living.
You will need their member number when you place your first order.
If you have lost touch with them, or need any other assistance, we are here to help. Simply click the button below and we’ll be in touch to assist you and help answer your questions.