Do you love helping others with essential oils?


I trust you loved my previous post, which was Oprah’s Story. It was a very powerful and emotional experience for me. 

It’s so easy to think of our Young Living oils as this gorgeous, luscious, smelly substance that uplifts our moods and brings nature into our home. But they are so much more than that!

When we have a deep need in our life, and we reach for a bottle of essential oil and see it work almost-instantaneous miracles for us ….well, that’s an indescribable experience, and one that transforms mere “appreciation” into a heart-felt love and passion for oils. 

I love teaching people how to get the most from their essential oil journey, and I have a lot of free content available on my archive of essential oil blogs, and also on my Youtube channel

And because I’m a practitioner myself (trained in many different healing systems), I also love teaching people how to help others through essential oil modalities. I have some in-depth offerings for people who feel called to become an essential oil practitioner (even if that means you want to deliver the most beautiful session for your loved ones, by having the best knowledge at your fingertips).

These courses are recognised through IICT (the International Institute of Complementary Therapists), and upon completion you can register with them as a practitioner, and gain insurance cover for the modality/modalities you’ve trained in. 

If you love the idea of deep diving into essential oil wisdom in a heart-felt and healing environment, you may be interested in one of my upcoming Essential Oil Practitioner courses…..

Due to popular demand, I’m planning to run another Level 1 Raindrop Technique course in February in Byron Bay, ahead of the Level 2 course on the 22nd and 23rd of March, also in Byron Bay. If you’d like to learn the Raindrop Technique sooner rather than later please click here to let us know.

Learn Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique

10th – 17th November 2025, Byron Bay

This course is a 7 night residential retreat, in a gorgeous venue in Byron Bay, Northern NSW.

People fly in from all over Australia to attend this course….so if you’re up for a life-changing oily adventure using the Young Living essential oils, I hope you can join me!

  • Discover the power of the Young Living oils for emotional transformation and spiritual practices. You’ll come away with much more confidence in your use of essential oils.
  • Learn the amazing Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique, and a variety of other emotional clearing techniques and tips using essential oils…including AromaBliss Technique and the ParaSet Technique.
  • Deepen your intuition and enhance your spiritual senses with a treasure chest of fun exercises and adventures.
  • You have the opportunity not only to give, but also to receive many different sessions…it’s a wonderful way to pamper your own body, mind and Spirit.
  • This course is a transformational personal development journey, to help you shine brightly in your own life!
  • Experience fun and connection in one of the most beautiful settings in Australia.
  • Discover new friendships, and share time with like-minded souls.

Artemis writesThis technique brings a whole new way of transforming emotions, using a beautiful and honouring aromatic ritual. The course is a complete training in the technique, and in how to work intuitively with essential oils and bodywork. It’s also a deep and life-changing journey for each participant.

In fact, it’s among the most profound personal development courses I’ve had the privilege to be a part of. And if you loved Oprah’s story, this is the technique I used on her….

Maxine A. writes: The Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique retreat was a deeply inward journey about getting to know myself better and embracing who I truly am. Yes, the community connection, empowering women – all those things are true. But the biggest takeaway for me was how it helped me to reconnect with myself.

I feel so emotional even talking about it because it has genuinely changed my life.

I’ve always been open to healing work, but I hadn’t fully embraced it because I wasn’t valuing myself or my gifts. This experience taught me the importance of nurturing myself so I can nurture others. When I take that time for me, I’m of better service to everyone else.

This year feels different already. My business, which I’ve been running for three years, is finally flowing and abundant. That shift came from within – learning about self-worth. That was a big breakthrough for me in the course, and it’s hard to put into words just how much it has impacted me. I know there’s still plenty of growth and change ahead, with its ebbs and flows, but I finally feel ready to embrace it all.

What Artemis teaches on this course is so heartfelt. You feel every word because you know she’s lived it and experienced it herself. She helps you embrace the moment with such ease, and everything just flows naturally. You won’t find her knowledge anywhere else. The experience of learning with her is simply unique.

The retreat reminded me that it’s okay to step back and reconnect. It’s been life-changing in ways I never expected, and I’m so grateful to Artemis for creating such a transformative experience.

Sandy K. writes: My experience of learning Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique was amazing. It gave me the power to discover my natural healing ability, and also to heal myself by releasing blocked emotions and gaining mental clarity. I felt so relaxed and calm the whole way through the course. 

Not only did I love the smell of the Young Living oils, but I was also completely blown away by how much new information I learned about their power and potential from Artemis.

I liked that the course was residential, within a supportive and safe environment, and surrounded by nature. It allowed to connect with a friendly and caring group of women. My curiosity took me further to explore giving this technique as a “distant session” (ie. online), with fantastic results and inspiration. I’m sure my clients will love to receive this type of healing.

I’m grateful to Artemis for teaching such beautiful healing techniques, and for being so patient with us. I would recommend this course to everyone who wants to heal and help others.

Michelle B. writes: Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique (EECT) is a magical healing process for others, but when you begin practicing it, you realise the journey can also be profoundly awakening for yourself. I completed the course in November 2024, and it was an incredible experience.

The course itself was amazing, offering a deep insight into tools that enhance our ability to perform EECT sessions. On top of that, we were gifted with a few extra techniques to integrate into our existing modalities.

It was such a fulfilling and transformative experience!

Maetreyii D. writes: This course was such a profound experience of opening my heart up with other women in a very safe environment, on all levels. I was scared to be vulnerable and authentic because most of my life, I spent hiding my true feelings, wearing a mask on my face and pretending to be happy. 

What we went through together was so profound that I found myself growing and stepping out of my comfort zone, finding self worth on an even deeper level. This course changed my life and legacy forever.

Vicki D. writes: I loved absolutely everything about this course. Apart from the incredible personal experience I had while I was receiving an Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique, one of my favourite things was Artemis’ very powerful meditations – I just loved the extras that were thrown in like the aura reading, art therapy, tools for opening to our natural intuition, and really getting to feel into another person’s consciousness.

Overall, I have come away knowing I’m on a much more focussed spiritual journey.

Margit K. writes: Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique is for me like “going back into the future”… meaning science is slowly catching up to explain what has been used and worked amazingly since ancient times to support people with releasing old patterns, emotional baggage and imprints of false beliefs. This technique takes away energetic burdens in the speed of lightning when the receiver and giver are connecting with deep intention to support and be in service for the highest good of all that is.

For me the speed of transformation I witness in these sessions, and the depth of inner connection is always so impressive… and to find our way back into this inner space is so needed… to find all our answers within.

Jeni D. writes: Gosh, it’s so hard to narrow down what this course meant to me! A particular moment that is strongly imprinted in my memory is when Artemis came to work alongside me and I got to observe and participate in supporting this big emotional release in my client. 

I’m really, really grateful for the chance to see Artemis applying her skills in a real life healing session. This was gold for me! Just so inspiring and extremely informative.

I have also been deeply moved to learn a completely new way to work with people, very different to anything that I’ve studied in the past.

Here’s how to order…

If you already have your own wholesale account with Young Living, you can order through the shopping cart on your virtual office, or via phone or live chat with your local Young Living office.

If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, or if you’ve never set up an account, please reach out to the person who introduced you to Young Living.

You will need their member number when you place your first order.

If you have lost touch with them, or need any other assistance, we are here to help. Simply click on the button below, and we’ll be in touch to assist you and help answer your questions.