Fab 5 #1 – The Red Drink
I learned from a young age about the importance of taking care of my physical body. When I was 19, I contracted glandular fever, followed by 5 years of chronic fatigue, I’d drag myself out of bed, travel to the city and work 7.5 hours, then come home and sleep. I had no social life, because all I did outside of work was to sleep (and care for orphaned koalas. Fortunately they spend most of their life sleeping too!).
Like Gary Young himself, I embarked on a path of natural therapies and emotional delving as a way of regaining my health, and fortunately those days of chronic fatigue are long behind me.
But in that process, I learned how different my body feels when I’m living a “wellness” lifestyle compared to a “sickness” lifestyle. As a result, all aspects of my life transformed. Although I maintain a busy schedule, I take time out for exercise and self care. I choose unprocessed, organic food to nourish and uplift my body. I drink plenty of pure, clean water, and I’ve eliminated chemicals from my life (which is why Young Living’s range is such a great fit for me).
Over the next 5 to 6 weeks, I want to share with you my “Fab 5” products or product combos from Young Living. Out of all the amazing oil-infused consumable products in the Young Living range, these are the ones I’d never want to be without.
This week, I want to share with you something I drink every single day. Yes, it’s based on their NingXia Red superjuice. But it’s NingXia Red with a twist! It’s called the “Red Drink”, and I’ve been drinking this twice a day ever since April 2020 when I discovered this amazing drink and ran a 90 day challenge based around it…not only is it delicious, but my body absolutely loves it too! And you’d be amazed at how great you feel after just 90 days of drinking it.
What’s this amazing Red Drink?
Also sometimes called the “Love your Gut” drink, this is a simple recipe that re-hydrates your body and tissues in order to reduce swelling and inflammation in muscles and joints, at the same time as feeding you powerful nutrients to support your health.
And if you suffer from any osteoarthritis, this will also help reduce any joint pain associated with osteoarthritis.
The importance of Hydration
According to Harvard News, drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Being well-hydrated also improves sleep quality, cognition, and mood.
But the Red Drink Challenge goes much further than simple rehydration. It also delivers some powerful nutrients to your body which work in synergy to assist your body on every level – physical, mental and emotional.
Here’s what its 3 key ingredients will do for your body:
1. NingXia Red SuperJuice
Let’s start with a lesson in pronunciation! NingXia Red is a superfood, and it’s pronounced “Ning-sha Red”.
This is a fabulous energy drink for the whole family, whether you’re just needing a way to kick-start your day, an afternoon pick-me-up, or a boost of vitality when you’re doing a workout.
It contains 16% organic goji berry puree….that means not just a concentrate, but all the goodness from the skin, seeds, and pulp.
This is combined with other high antioxidant fruit juices – Blueberry, Plum, Aronia, Cherry, and Pomegranate. It’s sweetened with Stevia so it’s low on the GI scale, and it also contains Grape Seed Extract and Pure Vanilla Extract.
Even better, it’s flavoured with 4 different citrus essential oils – Orange, Yuzu, Lemon and Tangerine – all very high in d-Limonene….and it tastes delicious!
60ml of NingXia Red is like having a whole fridge and freezer full of fruit and vegies in a single drink….it’s pure energy for our body!
In fact, 60ml of NingXia Red is equivalent in biological activity to consuming 118 heads of broccoli, 200 oranges, or 45,628 almonds!
The Ningxia Wolfberry puree is obtained from organic goji berries (wolfberries) from the Ningxia Province of China. Located near the Mongolian border, this region is fed by beautiful, pure, mineral-rich glacial water, which many attribute as the “secret ingredient” in the wolfberries.
These wolfberries are so popular in China, there is even an annual festival to celebrate them! And no wonder – the Ningxia wolfberries have:
- More protein than bee pollen (they’re a very unusual high protein fruit)
- More Vitamin C than oranges
- More beta carotene than carrots
- They are high in Xeaxanthin (a nutrient needed by our eyes to optimize vision).
- They were used by the ancient Chinese to support the health of ligaments, muscles, bones, liver, heart, brain and eyes.
There is a famous Chinese text written in 1593 AD. It talks about a wolfberry elixir which was given to an elderly man. After drinking it, this man “Could walk extremely fast, as if he were flying, and his grey hair turned black again.”
Why? Because mineral loss in the body can cause premature greying of the hair. Support the body to have healthy levels of minerals, and the body becomes supple and youthful.
And don’t think that NingXia Red is just for your human family (young and old). It’s also very popular amongst the furry and feathered family…
Fiona M. writes:
Our Cavoodle “Elmo” gets a tablespoon of NingXia Red every day…and NingXia Red ice blocks on hot days!!!
He loves it so much that if I ever forget, he’ll hang around me until I remember.
Check out Elmo enjoying his super juice in the video to the left!!
Gary Young, the founder of Young Living, was also a powerful advocate for NingXia Red. He challenged himself every day, and NingXia Red was his “go-to” for energy. Over two consecutive weekends in January and February 2017, he competed in two immensely challenging dogsled races in Alaska, with a total of 500 race miles. NingXia Red was one of the foods he carried with him as he undertook this enormous challenge. Click here to read the full article.
2. Why your body needs Sulfurzyme every day
Sulfur is needed by our body so that we can have healthy skin, hair and nails. In fact, our body needs it every day to maintain the structure of proteins, to protect cells and cell membranes, to replenish the connections between cells, and to preserve the molecular framework of our body’s connective tissue. And the best natural source of sulfur is in MSM.
Sulfurzyme is a Young Living supplement which combines ground Ningxia Wolfberry with a high quality, natural organic tree source of MSM.
The wolfberry gives the body the vitamins and minerals needed to properly absorb the MSM in the supplement. This is the problem with most over-the-counter MSM products – they don’t give you all the necessary co-factors so that your body can best absorb the MSM, and you often don’t know where their MSM is sourced from.
The Australian version of Sulfurzyme also contains the very powerful and emotionally balancing Copaiba oil.
This oil is popular amongst the Amazonian shamans and practitioners. It’s also a natural “amplifier”, so it amplifies the action of whatever essential oils or herbs its combined with.
In fact, Copaiba oil is quite amazing in its own right. It is sustainably tapped every few years from the Copal tree. The tap is put in, and the essential oil and resin pours out! This is then steam distilled to separate the oil from the resin. Wow!!!
Every country is different in terms of the claims that we can make about Sulfurzyme and MSM. Here are the claims we can make per region:
US/EU Statements:
In Europe and the US, we can state that MSM supports the immune system, the liver, circulation, and proper intestinal function, and it works to scavenge free radicals.
In Australia, we can say that Sulfur is amazing for helping to relieve joint pain associated with osteoarthritis.
In fact, It’s the subject of a book by Dr. Ronald Lawrence called The miracle of MSM: The Natural Solution for Pain.
And we’ve even had great results using it on aging animals – especially dogs and horses. Give 1 to 3 capsules a day to dogs. With horses, start with 1 cap in their feed, then increase by one cap per day up to 10 to 15 caps a day, then slowly ramp back down again.
Kylie B. writes: Our old Border Collie “Lucy” always loved to be active.
Once we started sprinkling a Sulfurzyme capsule onto her food each day, she began moving like a dog half her age, and her coat looked absolutely amazing. She gave us a wonderful 14 ½ years of her life.
3. Lime Oil – sooooo uplifting!
Any type of Citrus essential oil is wonderful for relaxing us as well as uplifting our moods, thus carrying us into a “feel good” space. This applies whether we have it in our diffuser, or whether we are munching on or drinking foods flavoured with citrus oil.
Yes, we’d still get some benefit from eating food made with the whole fruit…but remember that the essential oil is soooo concentrated and potent!
Citrus oils come from the skin of the fruit.
Did you know it takes the rind of 75 lemons to make 15ml of Lemon oil!
With Limes, you can imagine it would take more, because of their smaller size.
If you do the calculations, every drop of Lemon oil requires the rind of 1/4 of a lemon to make it! That’s incredible!
Lime oil is not just an amazing oil to use to flavour food and beverages. It’s also very powerful in many other ways. Make sure you do some research online, and in a good reference book, and you’ll understand why Lime oil is something you really want to be taking every day in today’s crazy modern world!
And it has so many other wonderful benefits. Your bottle of Lime oil will never go to waste.
Here are some of the other many uses for Lime Oil:
- Rub it onto your skin if you’ve been playing rough in the great outdoors! It’s very soothing. Caution: Because it’s photosensitizing to the skin, keep the skin where it’s been applied protected from sunlight and UV light for 12 to 24 hours (ie. cover with clothing if you need to head outdoors)
- Add it to your diffuser or rub it onto your chest each day. It will make the air smell amazing, and you get to breathe in all that goodness!
- Add a drop or two onto your toothpaste, or 2 to 3 drops into your Thieves Mouthwash or into your coconut oil for oil pulling, and show everyone your best smile!
- Add it into your moisturizer or skin lotion – it helps to cleanse, revitalize and tighten the skin, to reduce the visible signs of aging.
- Add 2 to 3 drops into your shampoo, and massage into your hair. Lime oil promotes the health of your hair, making it more luscious and smooth, radiant and glowing!
- Did you know that in a 2015 research study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, scientists discovered how lime oil can can contribute to a whitening of the skin! Wow! They concluded it could be used as a potential skin-whitening agent, because of its impact on melanin production in the skin.
- Lime oil has a gorgeous and astringent aroma which makes our brain think that we’re about to have limes to eat. In response to that aroma, we begin producing an abundance of saliva with all the great enzymes it contains. So inhale Lime oil before your meals, to trigger all the normal healthy functions for digestion.
- We’re in a very challenging world, and that can naturally raise tensions and anxiousness about the future.
Lime oil is wonderful for releasing these stressful thoughts, so that we gain mental clarity, emotional stability and an optimistic outlook on life. - Combine equal amounts of Lime and Copaiba oil in your diffuser – they make a great combo! You can even add a few drops of Sacred Sandalwood too! Yum!!!
Here’s how to order…
If you have a wholesale account with Young Living, order through the shopping cart on your virtual office, or via phone with your local Young Living office.
If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, or you’ve never set up an account, reach out to the person who introduced you to Young Living. You’ll need their member number when you place your first order.
If you’ve lost touch with them, or need assistance, we’re here to help. Click on the button below, and we’ll be in touch to help answer your questions.