Unbeatable Flavour and Frequency with this oil-infused Guacamole


I love creating essential oil-infused dishes. I’ll either adapt a favourite recipe by using the essential oil in place of one of the ingredients (eg. ginger oil instead of fresh ginger, or orange oil instead of fresh oranges), or I’ll get super creative and concoct a whole new recipe concept.

Six months ago, I discovered a new favourite café. Their dishes were accompanied by an amazing coleslaw-based salad, and on the side was a smashed avocado and some fermented veggies.

I was hooked! The combination of flavours was so stunning that I wanted to make it myself. Six months on, and there is just one part of that salad that I continue to eat almost every day. And I make mine with a twist, which is the addition of 3 different essential oils. Check it out – I’d love to hear what you think!

Amazing Flavour & Frequency with oil-infused Guacamole!

When I discovered that I could use certain essential oils to add a flavour burst to my food and beverages, it opened up a whole new world of wonders for my taste buds.

After all, essential oils are the concentrated flavouring in our citrus peels, herbs and other food – without the juice, cellulose and other fibre.

Many a dish can be destroyed by using too many drops of essential oil, because a single drop goes such a long, long way. But once you get the knack of flavouring your food and beverages with essential oils, you’ll never look back….because after all, essential oils add a hit of not only flavour, but also frequency to our food. That’s the magic ingredient, the secret sauce!

This oil-infused smashed avo (which can be dressed up to convert it into guacamole) uses 3 different oils in perfect combination. It’s simple and delicious when used as a daytime snack or added as an extra dimension into a salad.

Here’s how I make it:

I start by smashing a half of an avocado….let your inner lion out, and have fun in this process. Then I sprinkle some celtic sea salt onto my smashed avo.

Next, add your essential oils:

  • 2 drops Lemon oil
  • 1 drop Lime oil
  • 1 drop Cilantro oil (optional)

I know I’ve said the Cilantro oil is optional, but for me I wouldn’t want to make this dish without it (unless you don’t enjoy the taste of fresh coriander/cilantro leaves).


Would you like to see me in action making this?


The country you live in makes a difference!

Different countries have different regulations around using essential oils as a food and beverage flavouring agent. In AU/NZ, we have approximately 40 different culinary essential oils that are compliant with Food Standards Australia & New Zealand for use as a flavouring agent. Lemon, Lime and Cilantro are among them.

If you are in the US, you’d use Lemon Vitality, Lime Vitality and Cilantro Vitality oil, as this is the range of oils for internal and flavouring use. And if you are in the UK, you’d use Lemon Plus and Lime Plus oils, and you’d buy your Cilantro Vitality oil from the US on the NFR program. Not sure what the NFR program is? Please contact us on the button below and we can explain!

Here’s how to order….

If you already have your own wholesale account with Young Living, you can order through the shopping cart on your virtual office, or via phone or live chat with your local Young Living office.

If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, or if you’ve never set up an account, please reach out to the person who introduced you to Young Living. You will need their member number when you place your first order.

If you have lost touch with them, or need any other assistance, we are here to help. Simply click on the button below, and we’ll be in touch to assist you and help answer your questions.

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