The 14 Day RESET


Our essential oils are the best in the world, wouldn’t you agree? But would it surprise you to know there is a product in Young Living that out-sells even our most popular essential oils like Lavender oil? This product contains essential oils (Orange, Tangerine, Lemon and Yuzu oil), but it’s actually a super food….or in this case, a super juice!

Now that I’ve given you such a big hint, I’m sure you know that I’m talking about our NingXia Red juice.

When I first started with Young Living back in 1998, we only had essential oils. Then bit by bit, Gary Young created personal care products. His motto was, “If you can’t eat it, don’t wear it!” His commitment was to bringing us wonderful, natural, low-tox products.

Then came “Berry Young Juice”, a delicious elixir made from organic wolfberries from the NingXia Province of China. And over the years, this popular drink evolved into NingXia Red as we know it today.

So why do you think NingXia Red has become Young Living’s best-selling product?

It can’t just be because NingXia Red tastes delicious, and is so full of vitamins and minerals that our body literally craves this goodness. Taste is one important thing, but it’s not everything. And it can’t just be because it contains essential oils, for their flavour and frequency. We have many products containing essential oils, so why does NingXia Red stand out above all the others?

Well, that’s what this bulletin is about.

What’s the 14 Day RESET Challenge?

It’s a way to RESET your body and IMPROVE your health and vitality in just 14 days!!!! And it’s so easy!!!! It’s made up of 5 simple steps that you do daily for 14 days:

  1. Nourish your body with NingXia Red – the superstar antioxidant drink! Day 1 to 3 you will have 120ml in the morning, afternoon and evening (= 360 ml/day). Then days 4 to 14 you will have 60ml in the morning, afternoon and evening (= 180 ml/day). If you already love the Red Drink, you can use it for morning and afternoon drinks (but using the increased amount of NingXia Red in each Red Drink instead of the usual 30ml maintenance amount). Be sure to check out Young Living’s Loyalty Rewards/Essential Rewards bundles for the best value. 
  2. Hydrate your Cells – Drink half your body weight in ounces of water. Not used to pounds and ounces? Google “convert kg to pounds”. I’m 75kg, so that’s 165 pounds. Take half of that amount (in my case, half of 165 pounds which is 82.5 pounds), and drink that much in ounces. So I need to drink 82.5 ounces. One ounce is 30ml, so that means I drink 82.5 x 30 = 2,475 ml (= approx. 2.5 litres per day). If you love the Red Drink, you’re already hydrating with 1.5 litres a day. 
  3. Eat Clean – Avoid processed foods and refined sugars as these cause inflammation in the body. Instead, replace them with whole foods and plenty of fresh produce, and make sure you are eating enough protein. 
  4. Move your body for at least 30 mins a day – you can do this any way you want, so get into the fun with activities you already love to do, or try something completely new each day! Hmmm….belly dancing, pilates, hot yoga, a rainforest walk, horse riding, snorkelling….the world is your oyster!!!
  5. Intentionally reduce & manage your stress – there are so many ways to do this, so trust your own instincts on what this looks like for you. Plan ahead, make sure you get enough sleep and leisure time, explore some intentional breathing exercises or enjoy some yoga or meditation. 

This program has been created by Young Living, so you get to join a special 14 day RESET facebook group, where you’ll be inspired with great information, tips and resources to keep you motivated and engaged. Make sure you are plugged into that 14-Day RESET Facebook group – if you join now, you’ll be able to read the posts for the May RESET (which starts on 13th May), however we’ll be joining the June 10th RESET (to give you enough time to order your NingXia Red). If you want to do both, go for it!!! 

You’ll also be more successful and have more fun doing this challenge with friends, so why not invite your besties to join you?

And make sure you go onto Essential Rewards (also called Loyalty Rewards) so you can earn loyalty points with your orders. It makes good sense, and gives you the best value for money with your product orders. Want to know more about the Essential Rewards program? Click here!

Why is NingXia Red Young Living’s best-selling product?

The most obvious answer to this question is “Because people feel so good when they are taking NingXia Red each day, that they want to stay on it.”

But why is that?

Well, one of its key ingredients is the NingXia Wolfberry, and it’s a superfood!!!

Did you know that there is a festival held each year in the Ningxia Province of China to celebrate this amazing fruit that is unlike any other fruit on the planet?

Why is this so???? Well, for starters, it’s a high protein, low GI fruit that has:

It’s an amazing antioxidant, with the highest levels of naturally occurring S-ORAC and ORAC activity. In fact, in terms of its antioxidant rating, it’s 30 times higher than oranges, and 100 times higher than carrots!

And it’s packed full of a plethora of natural vitamins and minerals, including:

Wolfberries (aka Goji Berries) are a shrub that’s thrived for thousands of years over much of China and Tibet.

But the species of wolfberry used in NingXia Red is Lycium barbarum. It grows in the Ningxia Province of China, where mineral rich soil and pure glacial water feed this most nutrient-dense food on the planet.

It’s unique amongst all the Goji Berries of the world because it contains high levels of 4 unique polysaccharides. These are natural sugars that our body needs, in order for our cells to communicate with each other at an optimal level.

Chinese biochemists at the Ningxia Institute of Nutrition have analysed the Ningxia Wolfberry, and found it to be one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. It’s considered to be “the herb of longevity”, because it provides our body with much-needed energy and endurance. It’s no wonder that Chinese athletes use it as their “secret weapon” for agility, longevity and vitality!

It’s for all these reasons that the Ningxia Wolfberry is the only species of Wolfberry accepted by Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Dr. Sara Chase writes: “In the past few years, I have heard a lot about berry juices and their value as antioxidants. As a doctor practicing chiropractic as well as holistic healthcare, I am concerned about the health of my patients, my family and myself. I have always encouraged taking antioxidants.

When I heard about wolfberry juice, I thought it was just another berry juice like all the others. Then I learned the value of wolfberries on the ORAC (antioxidant) scale…The more commonly known antioxidant-rich foods were not even in the same league!”

Did you know that only 20 to 30% of your health is determined by genetics? This means that 70 to 80% of your health is determined by nutrition and lifestyle. That’s an excellent reason to invest every single day in your health, to ensure you can live a life of purpose and joy, and that your body can always keep up with your dreams.

So why NingXia Red?

In NingXia Red, this amazing wolfberry puree includes not just the juice, but also the peel and pulp. This puree is then mixed with Blueberry, Aronia, Cherry, Pomegranate and Plum juice, as well as Grapeseed and pure Vanilla extracts, to create a mouth-watering elixir that is perfect for everyday use.

Unlike many other juices on the market, NingXia Red isn’t full of high sugar “junk juices” as fillers, such as white grape, apple or pear juice. That’s why it has such a naturally low GI, and is so good for our body.

In fact, 60ml of NingXia Red is equivalent in biological activity to consuming:

  • 118 heads of broccoli, OR
  • 200 oranges, OR
  • 45,628 almonds.

That means that a single serving gives you the equivalent of a whole fridge and freezer full of fruit and veggies!

I still remember when I first started drinking it, I just couldn’t stick to 60ml a day….I wanted more, and more, and more….and that went on for 3 weeks. I’m sure I was so low in minerals, and the NingXia Red was exactly what my body was craving.

Inner and Outer Transformation with the 14 Day RESET

Combining NingXia Red with daily exercise, good hydration and healthy eating is a great way to trim your body. 

Kylie Bryant writes: Last month before travelling to Japan I joined the 14 day RESET with some friends. The RESET was to help move some weight, reduce inflammation, improve sleep and increase energy.

The weight loss was a bonus (see chart below – I lost 3 kg!), but the true win was the extra energy I had through a very busy and stressful time with being away, getting ready to go away, arranging a 21st birthday party and one of the craziest class schedules I have had in 10 years.

I got through it feeling fantastic and often being told I looked great! I’m planning to do it again, this time being even more intentional with the diet side of the program as the recipes supplied by the 14 day RESET facebook group and nutritionist are incredible (but not as easy to achieve when you’re eating out and away from home).

Here’s how to order…

If you already have your own wholesale account with Young Living, you can order through the shopping cart on your virtual office, or via phone or live chat with your local Young Living office.

If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, or if you’ve never set up an account, please reach out to the person who introduced you to Young Living.

You will need their member number when you place your first order.

If you have lost touch with them, or need any other assistance, we are here to help. Simply click on the button below, and we’ll be in touch to assist you and help answer your questions.