What your septic tank says about your health


If the subject of this bulletin doesn’t grab your attention, then what I have to share here certainly will! 

I live on a small acreage near beautiful Byron Bay (1.7 acres/0.7 ha), and because I’m on acreage I don’t get access to town sewerage. Instead, I have a Biocycle (a type of septic system). Every 3 months, a lovely man called Richard comes out to check on my Biocycle, and make sure all those wonderful bacteria are happy and healthy. 

They need to be! They are responsible for digesting all the effluent that goes down the drains in my home – from the shower, the sink, the toilet and the laundry.

I was absolutely amazed to learn how our septic tank holds secrets to our inner health. You’re going to LOVE reading this!!!

The Secrets in your Septic

Last week was my quarterly service of my Biocycle. And Richard came up to me after he’d done the service, and he said, “Your biocycle is looking sooooo healthy!” 

So I asked him, “Is that unusual?” And he replied, “Well I do occasionally see ones as healthy as yours – but not often. 

“The state of your Biocycle tells you how healthy your body is. If you’re healthy, your Biocycle is healthy. It’s clean, and the bacteria are thriving. And your Biocycle tells me that you are very heathy, and live a really clean lifestyle!”

I was absolutely thrilled to hear this. Wow, I never knew that we can tell so much about our inner health by looking at our Biocycle! Well, I am gluten free and I also avoid cow’s dairy..and I don’t drink tea or coffee (other than herbal tea). But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

Apparently a single course of antibiotics can be enough to wipe out virtually all those wonderful good bacteria in a Biocycle, just as it does in our gut.

I haven’t been on antibiotics for many years. I did one course about 3 or 4 years ago (prior to moving here), when I had a bout of cystitis that wasn’t clearing up through all my natural artillery. Prior to that, I think my last course of antibiotics was in 2002, when I had a post-operative infection. And I’ve done LOTS of cleansing since that time. So antibiotics are off the menu for me wherever possible. 

But Richard wasn’t just talking about me not using antibiotics. He was talking about the whole package.

Can essential-oil-infused products be used in a Biocycle?

When I first moved into my present home two years ago, I chatted to Richard about what substances I can and can’t use in my home and down my drains. 

“Only use natural substances,” he warned me. No bleach or chemicals, as that kills off the good bacteria in your Biocycle.” 

So I checked with him about essential oils. Is it OK to use my Thieves range of products for cleaning? 

“Does it support healthy bacteria?” he asked me. Absolutely it does!!! So the Thieves Range got Richard’s nod of approval. 

My Daily Oily Routine for myself and my home

Would you like to know what my day to day life involves? It’s clearly a great way of living, according to the secrets in my Biocycle. And I’d love to share it with you – I’m always amazed at how many oil-infused products I can fit into a single day. I’m so grateful that Young Living has such a beautiful range to choose from….

Personal Care & Makeup

I use the Young Living range for all of my personal care needs:

• My teeth are brushed with Thieves Whitening Toothpaste
• I use Dentarome Plus toothpaste as my underarm deodorant
• My hair is washed with Lavender Volumising Shampoo, finished off with some Copaiba
Vanilla Conditioner
• I wash my body in Orange Blossom Charcoal Bar Soap, and my face with BLOOM by Young Living Brightening Cleanser… or sometimes ART Gentle Cleanser.
• I moisturise my face with the BLOOM by Young Living Brightening Essence and
Brightening Lotion
• And I make my face look gorgeous with makeup from the Savvy Minerals by Young
   Living Range.

Household Cleaning 

My home is 100% low-tox thanks to the Thieves Range of products. All of this goes down the drain and into my Biocycle, and clearly my Biocycle is loving it! 

I’ve lived here for 2 years, so that’s long enough to establish that the Thieves Range of products is wonderfully beneficial to the natural biome of my Biocycle. 

If you have a Biocycle or Septic, naturally check with whoever does your servicing to ensure these products are suitable for your system. They should be…but I’m not an expert on all the different types of Septic systems out there, so double check before you make the switch. Here’s what I use:

• My home is cleaned with Thieves Household Cleaner (with some extra oils thrown in)
• I diffuse essential oils in my home – some of my favourite oils to diffuse are Transformation,
   Purification or a mix of Orange and Geranium
• My clothes are washed with Thieves Laundry Soap
• I wash my hands with either Thieves Foaming Hand Soap or Lavender Foaming Hand Soap
• My fruit and vegetables are all soaked in Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak.
• My dishes are washed with Thieves Dish Soap.
• I use either the Thieves Dish Soap or the Thieves Dishwasher Powder in my dishwasher (the latter I purchase from the US range, via our NFR Program – simply go onto your Virtual
   Office, notice where your country flag is displayed – usually top left – and select the US flag.
   This diverts you to the US to purchase products that aren’t available in your local range).

Internal Health

Then there are the things I swallow, which help to maintain and optimise my health. On a daily basis I take:

• NingXia Red – I make this up as a Red Drink, where I drink 750ml of water with 30ml
   NingXia Red, 3 Sulfurzyme capsules emptied into the water, and 3 drops of Lime oil…and I
   do this twice a day, every day)
• Life 9 – 1 cap each night before I head to bed
• MegaCal – 1 scoop each morning
• Illumineyes – 1 cap each morning
• 1 drop of Ginger oil (and sometimes a scoop or two of Pure Protein Complete in my
  morning) Gingerbread Choc Pancake.
• Mineral Essence – 3 squirts into water each night


Essential Oils

The icing on the cake are the essential oils I put on my skin each day. I’m totally hooked on my 7 Oil Process which includes:

• Valor
• Sacred Mountain
• Gathering
• Gratitude
• Sensation
• Abundance
• White Angelica

And to sleep, I love using Awaken oil on my pillow.

Oh, and of course I will sometimes have a bath, using either Stress Away Bath Bombs or Lavender, Geranium and Frankincense in the bathtub.

And I’ve recently reconnected with my love of Raindrop Technique, both receiving and giving…..so it’s not at all unusual for me to have myself or my home smelling of the Raindrop Technique collection!

Is there such a thing as “Too much of a good thing?”

This is a natural question to ask. Can you overdo your use of essential oils and oil-infused products?

Well, of course you can….just like anything else that’s healthy for you and needed by your body (like water and salt and food), if you have too much of it, the dial flips and it can hurt you. That’s common sense! But at the levels at which I consume, cook with, clean with and anoint with essential oils and oil-infused products, it’s been perfectly healthy both for my body, and my Biocycle. So if you want to look and feel young and vibrant, this is the way to go!!!

Here’s How to Order….

If you have your own wholesale account with Young Living, order through the shopping cart on your virtual office, or via phone or live chat with your local Young Living office.

If it’s been more than 12 months since you’ve ordered, or if you’ve never set up an account, please reach out to the person who introduced you to Young Living. You will need their member number when you place your first order.

If you’ve lost touch with them, or need any other assistance, reply to this email and we’d love to help.

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